Shining a Light on Genetic Disorders

On Tuesday 18 June (6-8pm), our Institute will deliver a two-hour long evening event for the MRC Festival of Medical Research.

At the MRC IGMM, we excel in revealing the biology of genetic disease. The quality of this research and the potential to maximise its impact depends upon building and maintaining successful partnerships with multiple collaborators, including people affected by genetic disorders, NHS clinicians and policy makers.

Families affected by genetic disorders rely on research to both understand their disease and to improve their health and quality of life. Our institute’s researchers collaborate with people with lived experiences of a condition. Hearing their voices’ is crucial as we strive to improve the quality and impact of our institute’s research.

We invite you to hear stories from our researchers and inspiring patient advocates. As we celebrate the power of partnerships, IGMM Researchers working on genetic conditions will co-present with people with lived experiences of these conditions. Enjoy drinks & canapés & meet our researchers, NHS and charity partners.

The first hour will consist of two pairs of presentations. Clinical Researchers from the IGMM will co-present with one of their NHS patients. The Clinical Researchers will provide a lay summary of their research and outline the value of patient engagement. Their NHS patient will share their personal perspective of living with their genetic condition, reflecting upon the diagnostic journey that they and their families have been on and how patient dialogue has helped, and will continue to help, drive biomedical research and clinical impact.

During the second hour, you will have the opportunity to meet a range of IGMM researchers manning posters summarising their research on genetic conditions. Information Stalls provided by Patient Support Groups and Charities and relevant health agencies will provide access to information, services and networking events for people affected by genetic disorders.

You can also engage with other IGMM researchers as you have fun with our interactive, drop-in activities.

Event programme (657.33 KB / PDF)

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