News 2017

An archive of IGMM News from 2017

People affected by depression may have genes associated with anxiety, worry and low mood, a study suggests: December 2017

Professor David Porteous talks about the newly published NIMR Mental Health Research Framework and what it means for research and public health: December 2017

The study in immune cells may help to explain why some people develop resistance to these drugs, which have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits: December 2017

The Cancer Biology group at the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre has just published new research that sheds light on how tumours evade the immune system. Their research article was selected as the cover story of the December 5 issue of the journal Science Signaling: December 2017

Outstanding candidates are being invited to join an MRC funded 4-year multi-disciplinary PhD programme in Human Genetics, Genomics and Disease at the MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU), within the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) at the University of Edinburgh: December 2017

The annual Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC) Symposium Meeting promotes interdisciplinary research in advanced and super-resolution optical imaging and its application to biomedical science: December 2017

The winners of the 2017 Times Higher Education Award (THE Awards) were announced on Thursday 30 November 2017 at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London: December 2017

Professor Dunlop was awarded the £10,000 prize in recognition of his efforts as bowel cancer researcher and surgeon: November 2017

A new study by Dr Simon Wilkinson's research group shows that tumour cells hijack the cell's protein recycling mechanism to get rid of cancer suppressor protein TRAF3. November 2017

Four speakers, including Professor Tim Aitman, Director of CGEM, debated the motion that the UK should have whole genome sequencing. November 2017

The short film was premiered, followed by a Q&A sessions with panellists including Professor Wendy Bickmore and Dr Mairead Bermingham. November 2017

By doing an interdisciplinary PhD and organising InterSci, Amelia is viewing her science through many lenses. Réka Nagy zooms in on her in this feature. November 2017

Three IGMM researchers have received promotions from the University in recognition of their work: August 2017

Frederic Li Mow Chee was awarded the prize for best fluorescence imaging at the Imaging PhD Expo: October 2017

Five melanoma researchers, including Dr Liz Patton, feature in a full-page public service advertisement: October 2017

Using data from 25 different studies, researchers from the University of Edinburgh have identified new genetic variants that influence lifespan.

Professors Helen Colhoun and Paul McKeigue receive award from Diabetes UK for Type 1 diabetes research: October 2017

MRC Human Genetics Unit study suggests targeting lifestyle could help reduce health inequalities in Scotland: October 2017

Matthew Smith, a post-doctoral researcher in Dr Simon Wilkinson’s lab in the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre, won the FEBS Letters Poster Award at the EMBO Conference on Autophagy: from molecular principles to human disease: September 2017

Research uncovering the genetic mechanisms behind nerve damage and repair has been highlighted in the journal ‘Cell reports’: September 2017

The MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine opened its doors to the public for the second time on September 23, welcoming 232 visitors: September 2017

The IGMM Mass Spectrometry Facility located in the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre provides mass spectrometry services: September 2017

The IGMM hosted the two-day ‘Eye Development and Degeneration: From Genes to Therapy’ conference: 4th - 5th September 2017

Chemical changes in the eye that can lead to blindness have been identified by scientists: September 2017

Three IGMM researchers have received promotions from the University in recognition of their work: August 2017

Genetics Society undergraduates meet at IGMM for the annual Summer School: August 2017

The 4th Super-Resolution Summer School took place at ESRIC between 31 July and 4 August 2017. 36 researchers from 18 countries attended, including students from previous years as well as some new faces: August 2017

Funding from the Nuffield Foundation enabled Sarah Hutton, an S5 pupil from Gracemount High School, to undertake a four-week Nuffield Research Placement: July 2017

Honorary doctoral degree awarded to former IGMM staff member, charity founder and aid worker: July 2017

Science Insights: July 2017

Findings may shed light on inflammatory disease and body’s response to cancer: July 2017

Scientists have completed a study which showed that gold increased the effectiveness of drugs used to treat lung cancer cells: July 2017

Dr Elaine Nimmo, CGEM, is awarded c£75K from Crohn’s and Colitis UK for innovative Inflammatory Bowel Disease research: June 2017

Research undertaken using Generation Scotland Biobank data was featured in an online New Scientist Daily News article on 20 June 2017.

As part of the MRC Festival of Medical Research, the MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine teamed up with Leith Labs to organise a day of hands-on activities at Ocean Terminal: June 2017

The MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) held a workshop on "Data Science in Biomedicine”: 20 June 2017

A significant breakthrough in the understanding of schizophrenia confirms a suspected link with genes that affect intellectual ability: June 2017

Cancer Research UK has awarded Dr Evropi Theodoratou £1.58 million to support her research on improving bowel cancer diagnosis in Scotland: June 2017

Dr Liz Patton from the MRC IGMM, as one of five female scientists leading a Melanoma Research Team, is currently featuring on the L’Oreal Paris website: June 2017

Edinburgh researchers have identified properties in DNA’s protective structure that could transform the way geneticists think about the human genome: June 2017

Leith Labs Explores Genes & Brains – Research Revelations with the IGMM and CCACE: June 2017

Congratulations to Professor David FitzPatrick who has become a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci): May 2017

Congratulations to Professor Wendy Bickmore who becomes a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition of her outstanding contributions to science: May 2017

Recent research within the MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU) of the IGMM, has finally found a combination of roles of Wilms’ Tumour 1 (WT1) that together demonstrate its crucial importance in disease development: April 2017

Researchers from the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre/Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) took part in the Edinburgh International Science Festival: April 2017

We are delighted by the recent IGMM success at the 32nd Genes & Cancer Meeting: April 2017

The best laid PLAAns of mice and men - when brain development goes awry: April 2017

Isobel MacGregor wins the 2017 IGMM 3 minute thesis competition: April 2017

This important work provides new insights into how cancer cells function and how they migrate to invade adjacent tissues: April 2017

CGEM staff celebrated the centre’s 21st Birthday on Wednesday 15 March: March 2017

People in Scotland with rare genetic diseases will benefit from a DNA study that seeks to improve their diagnoses and treatments: March 2017

A major research initiative was launched on 23 January 2017 that will use cutting edge data analysis techniques to better understand the health complications that are experienced by people with diabetes: February 2017

The 2017 Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC) Symposium welcomed over 100 researchers from Edinburgh Universities and others from the central belt: January 2017

Applications are now open for the 2017 summer school: January 2017

People with a rare bone condition that can cause them to have hundreds of fractures during a lifetime are being invited to trial a potential treatment: January 2017