Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023 Awards

Congratulations to Dr Elias Friman on receiving the Postdoc Recognition Award for Student Supervision and Support - September 2023

Dr Elias Friman
Dr Elias Friman, one of the 2023 winners for Student Supervision and Support CMVM Postdoc recognition award

Postdoc Appreciation week (PAW) is held annually to celebrate postdocs and recognise their contribution to research and academic.

The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine (CMVM) provided an opportunity for staff and students across the four CMVM campuses, including the Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC), to nominate postdocs for their outstanding contribution to:

  1. Citizenship (contribution to the wider community, including public engagement)
  2. Research Student Supervision/Support.

Several postdocs in IGC were nominated for their vital role to the research community at the institute. Nominees include:  Adelaide Young, Craig Anderson, Elias Friman, Jana Travnickova, Marie-Thérèse El-Daher, Michael D Nicholson and Sisi Dimova.

Congratulations to Elias Friman for receiving the award for Student Supervision/Support. Elias (MRC Human Genetics Unit) was recognised as an enthusiastic role model who encourages students and cares for their well-being. He took the initiative to organise journal club sessions to train students in reading and developing new ideas around their project.

Postdoctoral researchers are frequently pulled in multiple directions, and as such often have to balance driving research forward, lab management, supervision, outreach and mentorship. Postdoc Appreciation Week is a great way to recognise, acknowledge and celebrate everything that postdocs do daily and their greater contribution to research and their communities.

Dr Adelaide Young
IGC Postdoctoral Society (PODs) Committee Chair
