ESRIC Super-resolution summer school registration opens

Applications are now open for the 2017 summer school: January 2017

ESRIC summer school 2016

Applications are now open for the 2017 summer school. This years' faculty includes experts who pioneered the super-resolution techniques. The enthusiasm for teaching and the depth of knowledge that these experts always sets the week off to a great start. Super-resolution is covered in-depth from the sample preparation, technique development, and application through to analysis. The remainder of the week is dedicated to workshops on the commercially available super-resolution systems, Leica microsystems, Brucker, Nikon, Olympus UK and Zeiss all give fantastic 3 hour demos on their different systems; Vutara, Gated-STED, SIM, Airy Scan and SMLM in TIRF. Delegates are able to test their own samples, analyse their data with help from Dr Ricardo Henriques, a pioneer in the Super-resolution analysis field and grill the application specialists on the nitty gritty of getting the best data out of the systems.

For more information and to register for the summer school please see here:

ESRIC Super-Resolution Summer School 2017

Information about the ESRIC consortium can be found here: