Prestigious RSE medal awarded to Dr Joe Marsh

The Royal Society of Edinburgh awards medals each year to pioneering scientists and researchers in Scotland: January 2020

Joe Marsh

Congratulations to Dr Joe Marsh, IGMM Chancellor's Fellow at the MRC Human Genetics Unit, on receiving the 2019 Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Dr Patrick Neill Medal. Dr Marsh, who is Group Leader for research into computational protein biology, was jointly-awarded this prestigious medal for “outstanding research in human genetics, which is key to the success of personalised and precision medicine”. Dr Ferry Melchels of Heriot-Watt University was joint-recipient for “outstanding contribution to the field of biomaterials and tissue engineering”.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh - Scotland’s National Academy – recently announced that five eminent scientists and researchers from four Scottish universities have been awarded medals for 2019 in recognition of their contributions and achievements in their fields of study.

The RSE Dr Patrick Neill and Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane Medals are awarded to early career researchers and business leaders for outstanding contributions.

It's a great honour for me to receive the RSE Dr Patrick Neill medal - it's a reflection of the fantastic research environment provided by the MRC Human Genetics Unit and the University of Edinburgh that has allowed me to do this research.

Dr Joe Marsh
IGMM Chancellor's Fellow, MRC Human Genetics Unit
