Dr Luke Boulter awarded the British Association for the Study of Liver Dame Sheila Sherlock Prize

Dr Luke Boulter of the MRC HGU has been awarded the British Association for the Study of Liver Dame Sheila Sherlock Prize: August 2015

The Dame Sheila Sherlock prize is awarded annually to recognise the enormous contribution of Dame Sheila Sherlock (Graduated Edinburgh, 1941) to the development of Hepatology as a discipline in its own right. Dame Sheila was involved in the foundation of the British Liver Club in 1961, which subsequently evolved into The British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL). She was one of BASL’S past presidents and the first recipient of The BASL Distinguished Service Award.

In keeping with Dame Sheila’s enthusiasm for fostering young researchers, this eponymous research prize is awarded to young investigators without substantive posts in either medicine or science for their research contributions in the field of Hepatology. Dr Boulter will deliver a presentation and receive his award at the BASL scientific meeting in September.

The Boulter lab looks at how the adult liver regenerates and how, when regeneration goes wrong cancers form. The Boulter lab uses a combination of cutting-edge in vivo work, in vitro and small molecular approaches to unpick the mechanisms underpinning these complex disease processes.