Cycle Friendly Employer Award Achievement

The Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) has been awarded Cycle Friendly Employer status by Cycling Scotland.

IGMM receiving Cycle Friendly Employer Award

In May, IGMM at the Western General Hospital was officially awarded the Cycle Friendly Employer status from Cycling Scotland.

The Cycle Friendly Employer is a nationally recognised programme which supports organisations to encourage cycling as a healthy, sustainable and accessible way to commute. 

The Transport Office within Estates has worked with IGMM to achieve this award by upgrading cycling facilities and by organising events such as Dr Bike, cycle training and sustainable travel roadshows.

The award was presented by Nathalie Libera, Development Officer at Cycling Scotland and Ashley Erdman, Cycle Friendly Employer Award Officer from The Bike Station who carried out the Cycle Friendly Employer assessment. Stewart McKay, Technical Services Manager, IGMM and Emma Crowther, Travel and Transport Manager, Estates Department collected the award. They were joined by some of the cyclists from IGMM who are benefiting from the new bike store.

Whilst on site the group visited the newly refurbished bike store which includes the innovative VeloUp system – a vertical bike rack that provides assistance to avoid having to lift the bike onto the rack. The new bike racks have increased the capacity of the bike store to meet the needs of the growing number of cyclists at IGMM.

Stewart McKay said: “Before we received the Cycle Friendly Employer Award our bicycle store was full to capacity in the summer months and getting your bicycle in and out of it was really difficult as there were no clear pathways. With the funding we received we were able to purchase the Velco Up racking. This not only allowed us to increase the capacity of the bicycle store but enabled us to create clear pathways to allow easy access and egress from the store. The feedback from our staff has been very positive as they are able to use the bicycle store much more easily and efficiently.”