MRC Festival of Medical Research 2017

Leith Labs Explores Genes & Brains – Research Revelations with the IGMM and CCACE: June 2017

MRC Festival of medical research

Sat 17.06.17 (12:00-16:00)

Venue:  The Atrium (outside Debenhams), Ground Floor Mall, Ocean Terminal

  1. People-powered DNA Research, MRC Human Genetic Unit (HGU): How are Scottish people helping drive health research? Take a break from shopping - drop in and enjoy some interactive activities and meet scientists who are unravelling the secrets of our genes.
  2. Connecting Codes to Cures, MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM): Crack the secret code of DNA, discovering how the secret messages in unhealthy cells could hold the key to finding the best treatments for diseases.

These Research Revelations are thanks to thousands of members of the public, who have taken part in genetic and brain studies.

