CGEM staff celebrate the centre’s 21st Birthday

CGEM staff celebrated the centre’s 21st Birthday on Wednesday 15 March: March 2017

branding competiton winners
Logo competition winners Barbara Stevenson (4th left) and Jenna Gregory (5th left)\n

During the last two decades, research within CGEM has applied the use of whole genome and epigenome methods and data to understand genetic variation between individuals, underpinning better understanding of a wide range of health related conditions, thereby improving disease prediction, prevention, diagnosis and prognosis. State-of-the-art genetic, epigenetic, genomic, statistical, computational, biological and molecular approaches are applied, in model systems and in clinical studies, to systematically investigate disease mechanisms. CGEM’s research findings are translated into clinical settings, leading to the development of new medicines and the better use of existing medicines in clinical trials.

Professor Tim Aitman, Director of CGEM, launched a CGEM Logo competition on 31 January, inviting all staff to submit a logo design for the Centre. Professor Aitman was delighted to receive 15 entries from 8 staff. Two excellent designs, created by Jenna Gregory and Barbie Stevenson, were shortlisted and designated as joint winners of the competition. These were then developed into three logo design options by Craig Nicol, IGMM’s Design and Publications Specialist, and the winning CGEM logo was unveiled at the Centre’s 21st Birthday on Wednesday 17 March, with prizes awarded for the two shortlisted designs. Professor Aitman congratulated Jenna and Barbie on their creativity and said:

I was delighted by the staff response to this competition and by the inventiveness of the logo design entries. I’m so impressed that my hard working staff have revealed such creative flair!

Professor Tim Aitman

Professor Aitman also took this opportunity to thank all CGEM staff, past and current, saying

With our dedicated staff and in-depth expertise, we have achieved a strong research position and are respected by our partners throughout the UK and worldwide. The strength of our Centre, and the primary reason for our current and future success, is because of all of you – thank you.

birthday cake
CGEM 21st birthday cake: left to right: Professor Tim Aitman, Professor David Porteous, Professor Jonathan Seckle