Melanoma research featured in fashion magazines

Five melanoma researchers, including Dr Liz Patton, feature in a full-page public service advertisement: October 2017

Researchers holding People magazine with the advert showing
Left: Melanoma researchers holding People magazine open at the advert's page. Right: The advert itself

Earlier this year, Dr Liz Patton was one of the five women scientists who received the Team Science Award for Women in Scientific Research. Now, L’Oréal is placing full-page public service announcements into leading fashion publications, such as People Magazine, in order to increase awareness of melanoma, the most common form of skin cancer, and to feature the researchers who have received this award.

Recently, some of the awardees met up in person at the Society for Melanoma and World Melanoma Congress in Brisbane, Australia, and can here be seen proudly holding the feature in People Magazine.

This three-year research project, funded by the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) and L’Oréal Paris, allows these researchers to studying melanoma in order to learn how it develops and how it spreads from the skin to other organs in the body. 

The five melanoma experts, hailing from research institutes in Edinburgh, as well as Spain and the United States, are using advanced imaging techniques to track the tumour cells from a very early stage in order to figure out how, and why, these can spread very quickly in some, but not all, melanoma patients.

The text of the public service advertisement reads:

“These women want to save your life. By saving your skin.

Melanoma is one of the most common forms of cancer in the United States. Most cases are related to sun UV-induced damage to the skin. And nearly 10,000 people in the US are expected to die of melanoma in 2017.

But these five scientists are working to change all that.

MRA, the largest non-profit funder of melanoma research, has granted these women a Team Science award for Women in Scientific Research to advance melanoma detection and treatment. The three-year research project is powered by the brilliance of the five female scientists and funded by L’Oréal Paris.

Since 2008, L’Oréal Paris has committed a total of £1.5 million to MRA research.

With our help, we will defeat melanoma. Learn more about melanoma prevention and support life-saving research by visiting

And make every day an SPF day – rain or shine.”


Liz Patton Research Group

Melanoma Research Alliance blog about the award

L’Oréal Paris feature on the award

L’Oréal Paris “It’s That Worth It” website