Parent carer scientist

The Royal Society has launched Parent Carer Scientist, a book and project that celebrates people combining a career in science with a family life: March 2016

Parent carer scientist: news 2016

The Royal Society has launched Parent Carer Scientist, a book and project that celebrates people combining a career in science with a family life, and invited Dr Luke Boulter from the MRC Human Genetics Unit to share his personal experience of establishing a research group whilst going through the adoption process.

The project aims to inspire talented scientists to succeed in research regardless of their commitments outside work and highlight the vital role that a supportive employer and family friendly policies and funding play in enabling researchers to combine a vocation for science with family life.

The Royal Society's Parent, Carer, Scientist initiative celebrates families of all shapes and sizes. Given there is an under-representation of the LGBTI community within the sciences it is important for me to stand up and be counted - both as a scientist and a father. You can have it all.

Dr Luke Boulter
MRC Human Genetics Unit at the MRC Institute of Genetics & Molecular Medicine at the University of Edinburgh

Read Luke’s Parent Carer Scientist blog and follow the conversation on Twitter#AndAScientist.