ediRNA Meeting 2019

Bringing together RNA researchers in Edinburgh: May 2019

edinRNA 2019

On Tuesday 21 May, over 60 members of the large RNA community in Edinburgh came together within the MRC IGMM at a very successful Edinburgh RNA (“ediRNA”) meeting. This event brought together PhD students, postdocs, technicians and Principal Investigators with the aim to establish new collaborations, encourage scientific discussion and enhance interactions between RNA researchers.  In addition this provided an opportunity for early career scientists to showcase their research in an informal environment.

There were 8 excellent presentations from Stefan Bresson (Tollervey lab); Samir Watson (Macias lab); Siran Zhu (Michlewski lab); Elliott Chapman (Bayne lab), Rosey Bayne (Wallace lab); Nele Hug (Caceres lab); Pablo Tristán-Ramos (Heras/Garcia-Perez lab) and Elin Enervald (Buonomo lab).

Achim Schnaufer, Christine Mordstein; Christopher Sibley; Jessica Birt; Kyriaki Neophytou; Laura Cano Aroca, Lizzie Wadsworth; Luke Williamson; Robert Hunter and Tanya Dudnakova presented their work as posters.

This event was organised by Magda Maslon, Pragya Mittal and Christine Mordstein, supported by Javier Cáceres and Greg Kudla, both from the MRC Human Genetics Unit.

Professor Javier F. Caceres congratulated these three postdocs from the Genome Regulation Section -Christine, Magda and Pragya for their superb organisation of a highly successful event. “Christine, Magda and Pragya did everything from contacting all the RNA people in Edinburgh, selecting talks and posters, organising the catering, etc. Thus, with very little money but real motivation and drive, they made this very successful event possible.”

To us, the success of this meeting is highlighted by the fact, that the Edinburgh RNA community is now getting together to establish a regular RNA club

Christine, Magda and Pragya


Grzegorz Kudla: RNA Synthetic Biology

Javier F. Caceres