Joe Marsh receives MRC and Biochemical Society Awards

His research into protein complexes in human genetic disease will be funded for five more years: April 2015

Dr Joe Marsh, a Chancellor’s Fellow at the MRC Human Genetics Unit, has been awarded an MRC Career Development Award and the Biochemical Society Early Career Research Award in Computational Biology.

The MRC Career Development Award will provide Joe and his research group with 5 years of funding to support their studies on the role of protein complexes in human genetic disease.

The Biochemical Society Early Career Research Award in Computational Biology is awarded once every two years in recognition of international quality research performed by an early career researcher in the UK or Ireland with the potential to achieve world-leading status.

It was great to receive news of these two awards within a week of each other. I’m excited to be able to expand my group and continue my research here at the IGMM for five more years.

Dr Joe Marsh
Chancellor’s Fellow at the MRC Human Genetics Unit