Grzegorz Kudla selected for EMBO Young Investigator Programme

Dr Grzegorz Kudla, of the MRC Human Genetics Unit, has been selected for the prestigious EMBO Young Investigator Programme: October 2016


Each year EMBO chooses some of the best young group leaders in Europe, through a highly competitive selection to join this programme. For three years, EMBO Young Investigators receive a range of financial and practical benefits to support them during a critical stage of their career, and help them realize their potential as world-class researchers. Dr Kudla joined the MRC Human Genetics Unit in 2012 when he was awarded a Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship. His work focuses on the study of codon usage bias, RNA folding, and RNA interactions with approaches that combine synthetic biology, next-generation sequencing, and computational modelling.  

The full announcement from EMBO may be found here: