Cancer Research UK Staff Meet Edinburgh Researchers

Shop workers get behind the scenes at the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre: May 2018

Visit To Cancer Centre N.Gammoh news 5.2018
Cancer Research UK trading teams meet Dr Noor Gammoh (“Brain Cancer Survival Pathways” group leader) to hear about her team’s research.

On Friday 27th April, Cancer Research UK trading teams from all over Scotland travelled to the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre to meet researchers and find out more about their life-saving work.

Sixteen trading team members including Shop Managers, Stock Collectors and Area Managers came together for a special behind-the-scenes laboratory tour. Following a research talk by Dr Noor Gammoh, the trading teams took to the labs to explore how their fundraising efforts connect to real research taking place in Edinburgh. From robotics facilities used in drug discovery to everyday consumables like laboratory gloves and microscope slides, every item sold in Cancer Research UK shops counts.


Dr Gammoh’s Group web page:

Information about brain cancer: