The Facility

Access to and support with visualisation and quantification of samples using cutting edge imaging technologies.

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Welcome to the Institute of Genetics and Cancer Advanced Imaging Resource

Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre: imaging (ESRIC)
Institute of Genetics and Cancer Advanced Imaging Resource

The Advanced Imaging Resource (AIR) at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer provides provides training and support for all aspects of advanced light microscopy, OPT and microCT imaging. We also offer practical workshops, seminars and demonstrations of new equipment to keep up to date please see our Twitter feed: @IgcImaging

As well as technical staff the facility has a network of super-users who are available to discuss application of imaging techniques to molecular cell biology research.

We also have a steering committee which meets annually and comprises of academics who utilise bioimaging significantly in their research.

The facility works together with other UK imaging facilites through BioimagingUK and the EuroBioimaging project. For details of other imaging facilities please see the Royal Microscopial Societies facilities database.


The facility office is located at CG05/7 on the ground floor of the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer Western General Hospital Campus. For details of the location of equipment please see individual pages.

Edinburgh Super Resolution Interdisciplinary Consortium

Super-resolution image of a cell acquired using ESRIC facliities
Super-resolution imaging at ESRIC

The AIR is part of a cross-disciplinary, cross institutional collaborative consortium for super-resolution imaging - ESRIC. ESRIC is a national open access facility hosting state of the art super-resolution microscopy equpiment. ESRIC shares expertise through a prestigious international summer school supported by the Royal Microscopical Society. The summer school is taught by consortium members and pioneers of imaging techniques. To celebrate the work of ESRIC and to develop our network, an annual symposium is hosted at the IGMM each Spring.

Please visit the ESRIC website for more information.