Scientific infrastructure

Scientific infrastructure and services to support our Institute's research.

Health and Safety

IGMM health and safety

Health and Safety supports all the varied aspects of Institute research and teaching and is available to staff, students and visitors. This Service contributes to the success of the Institute of Genetics and Cancer through the promotion of a safe and healthy place to work, study, visit and enjoy. We believe in providing helpful guidance & advice linked with realistic & practical solutions in support of the Institute's core goals of research and operational needs.

We do this by:

  • Providing advice and guidance to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, the University and Institute of Genetics and Cancer Health and Safety Policies, and current best practice
  • Giving you the help, advice and support you need to effectively manage health and safety within your area of responsibility
  • Producing clear, sensible and proportional policies and guidance
  • Providing you with access to training courses, developed and delivered for your needs
  • Being the first point of contact with the University Corporate Health and Safety Department and  the regulatory authorities

As part of the Institute’s ongoing commitment to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of its Staff, Students and Visitors, the following Strategy was approved by the Operational Executive in January 2018.

IGMM Strategy 2018-2022 (414.45 KB / PDF)


Eilidh Guild

Health and Safety Officer


For more information on the health and safety support provided, please contact:



IGMM histology

The histology laboratory provides equipment and consumables for Institute researchers to prepare and section their own samples. Training can also be provided. Before using the histology facility for the first time you must arrange an induction with Helen Caldwell.


  • Cryostat
  • Microtome
  • Vibratome
  • VIP station (automatic wax processing)


For more information on the services provided within the facility, please contact Helen Caldwell:


Liquid Nitrogen Sample Storage System

IGMM liquid nitrogen storage

A centralised liquid nitrogen storage facility and associated sample management system which provides all Institute researchers with the ability to easily store their samples securely. 

The facility currently operates 7 storage vessels -5 Biosystems 40 and 2 Biosystems 36 tanks which give a total storage capacity of 278,400 cryovials.


Sean O’Neil Facility Manager


For more information on the services provided within the facility, please contact:


Access to the samples management system for Institute researchers is via the intranet and a web hosted interface which facilitates smooth deposits and retrievals of samples.


Media Preparation and Wash-Up Services

IGMM Media Preperation and Wash-Up Services

 In-house facility that produces a wide range of laboratory, microbiological and yeast media/solutions for Institute researchers.

In addition, the facility prepares 9cm biological agar plates containing either Kanamycin or Ampicillin.  It also offers a bespoke service where non stock solutions and agar plates can be prepared to order.  Prepared solutions can be collected from a central holding area or be delivered to laboratory areas.  

The same team of staff also operate a central wash up facility that provides a wash up service for 14 floors of laboratory space.  The facility has 3 industrial glasswashers, two front loading autoclaves and two top loading autoclaves.  Dirty glassware and laboratory waste is collected from pick up points on the 14 floors and transported to the wash up facility.  The waste is processed and streamed appropriately, the glassware is cleaned, sterilised as necessary and returned to the lab area.


Sean O’Neil Media Prep Manager
Margaret McGurk Laboratory Assistant
Pamela Stewart Laboratory Assistant
Joan Flannigan Laboratory Assistant
Ged Dickson Laboratory Assistant
Shirley Clark Laboratory Assistant
Julie Morrison Laboratory Assistant
Evelyn Anderson Laboratory Assistant


For more information on the services provided within these facilities, please contact:


Scientific Workshop

IGMM scientific workshop

The scientific workshop aims to develop novel scientific equipment and improve/modify existing equipment in collaboration with researchers. 

Workshop staff also carry out repairs to existing equipment and are involved in generating engineering solutions for a myriad of other situations that arise in the Institute.   

The workshop is very well equipped with milling machines, lathes, upright drills, engraver etc. 

There are two experienced members of staff who run the workshop and between them they have electrical, engineering, joinery and welding skills. They work with a variety of different materials and can work to very fine tolerances.


Richard Wroblewski Facility Manager
Peter Hickey Workshop Technologist


For more information on the services provided within the facility, please contact:


Stores and Procurement

Stores and Procurement is a multi-function hub facilitating researchers’ everyday consumable, life science and purchasing needs.

Uniquely, the Stores facility provides on-site consumables and life science products to meet day-to-day consumable demands, with the immediate availability of products over the counter for Institute staff.

External purchases are consolidated by the Stores team and sent off to suppliers daily, checked on arrival and delivered to the user. The team ensures that orders are delivered at the appropriate temperatures and follow up any outstanding orders and order problems.



Stores and Procurement Manager

Jim McQueenie

Stores Assistant

Steven Reynolds Junior Stores Assistant


For more information on the services provided within the facility, please contact: