News 2013

An archive of IGMM News from 2013

Shetland residents are at the forefront of research efforts to pinpoint the causes of heart disease, stroke and diabetes: February 2013

Beginning September 2013 - Two fully-funded 3 year PhD Studentships in high-resolution biological imaging: March 2013

Exciting opportunities for talented postdoctoral scientists at the MRC IGMM: April 2013

A Brief Description of the Project and New Building: May 2013

Scientists nationwide submitted videos and images, documenting their research of the heart: July 2013

IGMM to apply for an Athena SWAN Bronze Award: August 2013

Princess Anne visits the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre: October 2013

Edinburgh Cancer Discovery Unit make a deal to develop new drugs to fight cancer: October 2013

A recent study led by scientists from our MRC Human Genetics Unit, has shown that differences in the activity of gene enhancers drive subtle variation in facial development: November 2013

IGMM researchers recognised for outstanding work: December 2013