News 2015

An archive of IGMM News from 2015

MRC Human Genetics Unit scientists are involved in a nationwide study to identify genes linked to rare developmental disorders in children: January 2015

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh are leading the UK’s input into a major initiative to tackle Crohn’s disease: January 2015

The Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow are to partner with Illumina in a genomics revolution that is set to transform healthcare: January 2015

University of Edinburgh researchers have developed a method to label and track pieces of new DNA as they are made: January 2015

University of Edinburgh Scientists identify a biological clock that provides clues about an individuals lifespan: February 2015

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh and Linköping University have revealed how quickly cells change their identity when grown in the laboratory: February 2015

A study led by the University of Edinburgh could help patients with bile duct cancer: February 2015

MRC Human Genetics Unit researcher recognised as an outstanding scientist: February 2015

Professor Bickmore said on her appointment, “This is an exciting time for human genetics, with large-scale genome sequencing set to impact on clinical practice: February 2015

Researchers led by the Universities of Edinburgh and Birmingham have begun decoding the genetic material which causes primordial dwarfism: February 2015

Gain an insight into research and work in biological sciences: March 2015

His research into protein complexes in human genetic disease will be funded for five more years: April 2015

Hans-Joachim Sonntag secured the FEBS Youth Travel Grant to attend the inaugural European Systems Medicine Advanced Summer School: May 2015

Researchers at the MRC Human Genetics Unit were part of an international collaboration that identified all the enhancers on a single human chromosome: May 2015

The IGMM has been successful in obtaining substantial grant funding from the European Union: May 2015

Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre clinical researcher wins award: June 2015

ECRC Scientist awarded £5,000 at the Edinburgh BioQuarter Innovation Competition: June 2015

The MRC and EPSRC have supported six nodes led by universities, to bring researchers, clinicians and industry together: July 2015

High School Pupils from across the Lothians have attended a week long work experience programme run by the IGMM, Roslin Institute and the Dick Vet School: August 2015

Dr Luke Boulter of the MRC HGU has been awarded the British Association for the Study of Liver Dame Sheila Sherlock Prize: August 2015

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh pinpoint protein that enables cancer cells to elude attacks by the immune system: September 2015

Wellcome Intermediate Clinical Fellow is awarded Sir Derrick Dunlop Prize by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency: September 2015

Scientists from the MRC Human Genetics Unit have proved new things about Protein RING1B: October 2015

120 delegates will be welcomed to the Institute on the 13th October: October 2015

Researchers findings may prompt a rethink in the way inflammatory bowel diseases are categorised and diagnosed: October 2015

Researchers in Edinburgh and Dundee pinpoint a key gene in bone disease development: November 2015

IGMM event enables local high school pupils to meet biomedical science students, researchers and clinicians: November 2015

£2,200 raised for aid projects: November 2015

Farhat Din has been awarded the Hunter Doig Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh: December 2015