Diabetes Scotland supporters visit research labs

Professor Helen Colhoun welcomed a group of passionate fundraisers to find out more about Diabetes UK funded research at the IGMM: October 2019

Diabetes Scotland Supporters Visit IGMM

In October 2019, supporters of Diabetes Scotland visited research labs at the MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine to find out more about Diabetes UK-funded research.

Among the group were some of the charity’s most passionate and dedicated fundraisers who support the ground-breaking research leading towards better prevention and treatment of diabetes.

In addition to touring the research facilities at the Western General Campus, the group also learned about the vital work that is being carried out to help create a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Professor Helen Colhoun of the MRC Human Genetics Unit and the Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine is a leading diabetes scientist funded by Diabetes UK. During the group’s visit, Professor Colhoun introduced her work which is using big data to help us better understand how to prevent diabetes and its complications. By harnessing large scale data available through e-health databases and biobanks, her team can identify genes linked to diabetes to inform new drug development.

Lively discussion followed the presentations with the guests and researchers asking about current projects, motivations, priorities and thoughts for the future.

We’d like to say a big thank you to Professor Colhoun and her team for inviting us to visit the lab and find out more about the Diabetes UK-funded projects they’re working on. Our supporters and I learned a great deal about the research currently underway to better understand and treat diabetes. Knowing that such dedicated and passionate people are working so hard on behalf of the diabetes community, we all left feeling very optimistic about the future

Angela Mitchell
National Director, Diabetes UK
