Explore our work

Videos and resources providing an insight into our research.

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Visit Our Institute Virtually

Explore our Institute virtually to find out about our research, our facilities and how we use animals in our research, the challenge of cracking cancer and deciphering genetic disorders.

 Visit Our Institute Virtually


Sequencing a clinical sample: from blood to results

Follow a clinical sample through DNA extraction, sequencing and analysis of results. Produced in collaboration with the Clinical Research Facility Edinburgh.


Meet the scientists sessions

Catalina Vallejos, MRC HGU, Institute of Genetics and Cancer
Faith Davies, CGEM, Institute of Genetics and Cancer
Tammy Piper, CRUK EC, Institute of Genetics and Cancer

“Research in a Nutshell”

Some of our researchers have recorded short “Research in a Nutshell” videos to give you an insight into their research:

Farhat Din, CRUK Edinburgh Centre

Steve Pollard, CRUK Edinburgh Centre

Wendy Bickmore, MRC Human Genetics Unit

Susan Farrington, MRC Human Genetics Unit

Greg Kudla, MRC Human Genetics Unit

Duncan Sproul, MRC Human Genetics Unit

Omar Albagha, Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine

Riccardo Marioni, Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine

PhD research project in 3 minutes

Priya Hari, CRUK Edinburgh Centre


MRC Human Genetics Unit data resources for schools

In 2016, staff and researchers from the MRC Human Genetics Unit worked with Edinburgh biology teachers to create a real data resource to allow senior phase school pupils to explore genetic and phenotypic data as part of their Scottish Qualifications Authority Nat5 or Higher Biology Assignment.

The "Human Genetic Variation & Disease Date Resource Pack provides data from the MRC Human Genetics Unit and provides information on:

  • Genetic variation/ DNA mutations
  • Genetic basis of disease risk
  • Human population cohort studies and methods
  • Genes and Proteins in Health and Disease
  • Human Genomics
  • Expression of genotype and protein production

The resource pack can be downloaded as a pdf below.

If you use this pack, we would be grateful if teachers and students could provide feedback via these online surveys

Student feedback on resource pack: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/StudentFeedbackRealDataResource

Teacher feedback on resource pack: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TeacherFeedbackRealDataResource

Resources from our funders

Further biomedical research resources are also available from our major research funders:

If you have any queries about our research, please join us for a discussion at one of our events or email our Communications Manager: Communications@igc.ed.ac.uk