Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium Symposium 2019

The Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC) – a partnership between University of Edinburgh and Heriott Watt University – hosted the 2019 ESRIC Symposium at IGMM on 28 May 2019.

Networking at the ESRIC Symposium

It’s busiest year yet, the Symposium was attended by over 200 delegates and was opened by Professor Rory Duncan, ESRIC co-lead, Heriot Watt University.  

Attendees heard from Dr Dylan Owen, Kings College London, who discussed novel methods for quantifying super-resolution data, including clustering of data.  

Researchers from IGMM then presented the progress that their work has made by using super-resolution as a tool. Recent PhD graduate Fred Li Mow Chee discussed imaging the adhesome in cancer and Dr Dasa Longman talked about the complex imaging tools she had used to reveal new properties of NBAS in regulation of cellular mRNA.  

The final speaker of the first session, Dr Matt Smith, IGMM, discussed the role of CCPG1 and other proteins in ER-Phagy and how SIM and high speed live imaging was used to visualise this process.  

Following a networking break where current ESRIC students showcased their work in a poster session, Dr Charlene Boumendil discussed her research which has revealed a previously unknown role of nuclear pores and chromatin in senescence (cell aging).  

The Symposium was closed by keynote speaker Dr Ibrahim Cisse of MIT who gave an energetic and exciting talk about how RNA polymerase controls transcription. IGMM PhD students were invited to get involved which led to an enthusiastic debate.  

The ESRIC team would like to thank Sharon McDonald for her untiring administrative support of the event.  

To find out more about ESRIC, visit their website.