10x Facility

The Flow Cytometry Facility also provides a Chromium 10X single cell service to the institute.

X10 Facility

Next GEM Technology

The Chromium platform, powered by Next GEM technology, enables integrated analysis of single cells at massive scale.  The key to this technology is the ability to generate tens of thousands of single cell partitions, each containing an identifying barcode for downstream analysis.

  1. Every Chromium solution starts with a high-diversity pool of Gel Beads each with a unique oligonucleotide barcode and sequence to capture molecules of interest.
  2. Within the Chromium instrument, barcoded Gel Beads are mixed with the cells or nuclei, enzymes and oil to create 'GEMs' (Gel Bead-in-emulsion)
  3. Each GEM droplet is an individual reaction where the Gel Beads are dissolved and molecules of interest are captured and barcoded.
  4. Once barcoded, all fragments from the same cell share the 10x barcode.  The barcoded fragments are then pooled for downstream reactions to create short-read sequencer compatible libraries.
  5. After sequencing, bioinformatic tools use the unique barcodes to map sequencing reads back to their single cell of origin.

Facility Information

  • The 10x facility has a dedicated 10x technician to perform all stages in the preparation of the 10x libraries.
  • Currently the facility offers Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3' v3.1 reagents and chips to researchers but can advise, help order and perform full library preparation protocols for various 10x products.  All 10x runs are performed on our in-house Chromium Controller instrument
  • To book a 10x slot or to discuss further requirements please email 10X@igc.ed.ac.uk
  • Please note all samples need to be received by 2pm on day of submission.

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