Phenotypic discovery facility

We adopt a collaborative model to develop and apply novel cell-based phenotypic assay technologies across disease areas.

Phenotypic discovery facility research

The IGC Phenotypic Discovery Facility is highly proficient in cell-based phenotypic screening, working in collaboration with several academic and industry groups to identify; novel therapeutics targets, progress hit-to-lead identification, classify drug mechanism-of-action and identify novel drug combinations and biomarkers.

The facility members have several years of experience in the development and execution of complex cell and ex-vivo screening assays across multiple disease areas from within the academic and pharmaceutical industry sectors.

The facility is equipped with the latest kinetic (IncuCyte-Zoom) and High content (ImageXpress MicroXL) image-based screening platforms, fully integrated with plate handling robotics, barcode sample tracking and an image-analysis and informatics pipeline operating across the IGC computer cluster.

In addition to using proprietary high content image analysis software solutions, the facility develops and applies novel image analysis and informatics solutions to quantify cellular phenotypes from complex co-culture and 3D models and to classify phenotypes from multi-parametric datasets.

The facility has libraries of annotated reference compounds, FDA approved drugs, novel compound sets and a 12,000 diverse chemical library. The compound libraries are optimally stored and managed at Bioascent Discoveries Ltd facilities and supplied to our projects as single use, assay-ready plates.

Services provided:

  • Phenotypic Assay Development
  • High-content image analysis
  • Small molecule compound library provision and screening services
  • Image-Informatics analysis of multiparametric high content phenotypic screening data


IGMM Phenotypic Discovery Facility



John Dawson Head of High Content Imaging and Informatics
Ashraff Makda Head of Screening Operations
Professor Neil Carragher Professor of Drug Discovery


For more information on the services provided within the facility, please contact: