Advanced Imaging Resource

Access to and support with visualisation and quantification of samples using cutting edge imaging technologies.

IGMM imaging

The Advanced Imaging Resource is a consortium of imaging facilities within the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. Please see our equipment pages for more detailed information. We work together with the Phenotypic Discovery Facility and the Centre for Comparative Pathology facilities.

We are also a partner in the Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium, providing access to super-resolution optical imaging platforms.

We are able to support imaging ranging from model organisms through to sub-cellular structures utilising cutting-edge imaging tools and technologies. Institute users can find more information here.

The Advanced Imaging facility in Institute of Genetics and Cancer Central houses the following imaging systems:

  • Light, epifluorescence and confocal microscopes for live and fixed experiments
  • Advanced imaging techniques such as FRET, FRAP, FLIM and FCS
  • Multi-photon confocal microscope and Stimulated Raman spectroscopy
  • A super-resolution microscopy suite for imaging samples smaller than 120nm
  • A mesoscopy suite featuring a Leica Thunder Stereo Microscope and MicroCT
  • Conditional imaging and fluorescent and bight field slide scanning
  • Bio image analysis and informatics

The Advanced imaging resource also offers opportunities for training that enables researchers to engage with the latest technologies through workshops, on site demonstrations of new equipment and close liaison with our industrial partners. As well as this we teach in the internationally recognised ESRIC Super-resolution Summer School.

The facility is staffed by a manager, highly skilled scientific officers and an image informatician to provide scientific support for research.


Ann Wheeler Head of Facility
Matt Pearson Light Microscopy Applications Specialist
Laura Murphy Bioimaging Informatician
James Iremonger Light Microscopy Applications Technician
Helen Caldwell Pathology and Hammamatsu Slide Scanner
Martin Lee Multiphoton, Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy and Confocal Specialist


For more information on the services provided within the facility, to make a booking or arrange training, please contact us here.


Access to and support with visualisation and quantification of samples using cutting edge imaging technologies.

Links to technical specifications and manuals for our Advanced Imaging Resource equipment.

We provide a full range of image analysis support for research studies within the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. We can support your project from inception all the way to publication. Laura Murphy is our Bioimage analyst.