International student visit from the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh (ZJE) Institute, China Collaborations in Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Informatics

On 24 January, the IGMM was delighted to welcome 14 undergraduate students from the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh (ZJE) Institute, China. They are in the third year of a four-year dual award programme in Integrative Biomedical Sciences: February 2019

International student visit

The ZJE students attended the IGMM seminar on ‘Mental Health and Circadian Rhythms in the UK Biobank Cohort’ presented by Professor Daniel Smith, from the Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, hosted by Professor David Porteous.

After the seminar, one of our Senior Researcher Fellows, Dr Martin Reijns, talked to the students about his career path and the research he has been doing within the MRC Human Genetics Unit for the last eleven years, as well as being the Institute’s Staff Student Liaison Officer

The students then had an hour-long tour of the Institute, led by Dee Davison, IGMM Public Engagement Manager and Yuting Lu, an IGMM first year PhD student, who recently graduated from the Zhejiang-Edinburgh collaboration MSc programme. They were given an overview of the MRC IGMM and its mission and the basic, clinical and translational science that is undertaken within its three research centres. The opportunities to pursue a research career within this institute were outlined and this encouraged lots of discussion with the Chinese students.

“I was really honoured to be invited as an alumina to help introduce the IGMM to the visiting students.” Yuting said, “The level of interest these students showed for scientific research was quite impressive as was their interest in planning a career in academia at such an early stage. They were very curious about the research environment and the PhD programme training track at the IGMM. A lot of questions were asked about PhD opportunities here for international students. I guess that my experience here really worked as a positive encouragement for them and I am so glad I could help.”

Zhejiang University is one of China’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education. The Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE) is a collaboration in the fields of Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Informatics between Zhejiang University of China and the University of Edinburgh. These universities have established an international research institute at the International Campus of Zhejiang University in Haining, Zhejiang, that builds on the existing strengths of both, and aims to foster collaborations in teaching and research.

At the end of their two-week visit to the School of Medicine in Edinburgh, the student evaluation included feedback on their visit to the IGMM:

 “They gave me a warm welcome which really touched me”

“We had really nice discussion with the researchers. The tour of the building was wonderful”

“The building’s structure is really interesting: labs in the middle, surrounded by office rooms and meeting areas. This kind of style makes researchers more centralised and so it’s easier for scientists to communicate with each other”

“We got a better understanding of studying/working in IGMM and future developments. The tour was amazing. The building is well-designed and is a great place for working.”

“Great atmosphere for talking between different groups of scientists. A kind, patient lady guided us around.”

“The tour of the buildings helped me to know how the buildings work together and to enjoy beautiful views of Edinburgh”



international student visit collage