Mass spectrometry

Providing insights into the genetic and molecular basis of disease.


The Institute of Genetics and Cancer Mass Spectrometry is a facility for measuring molecules from biological and clinical samples. We enable researchers to study changes in the amounts of proteins, lipids, metabolites and other molecules in cells and tissues, as well as tracing atoms through metabolic pathways, examining protein-protein interactions, and exploring signalling networks.

The techniques we offer provide insights into the genetic and molecular basis of disease:

  • Expression proteomics
  • Immunoprecipitation mass-spec (for protein-protein interations)
  • Protein PTM analysis
  • Untargetted metabolomics
  • Targetted metabolite analysis (e.g. TCA cycle, PPP, etc)
  • Metabolic isotopic tracer analysis
  • Lipidomics
  • Training in mass-spec experimental design and sample preparation
  • Training in mass-spec data processing and information mining
  • Consultation for planning, grants, publication, etc.

The team works collaboratively to ensure an understanding of the biological question, and the experimental set-up upstream of mass-spec analysis, in order to select the best methodologies at the outset. We care most about contributing to scientific understanding and strive to provide the greatest impact for our collaborators.

Mass Spec Lab


Alex von Kriegsheim Academic lead
Jair Marques Junior Lab Manager 
Agata Makar Post-doctoral Research Associate
Chinmayi Pednekar Mass Spectrometry Research Officer
Najib Abualetham PhD Student
Chartinun Chutoe PhD Student
Abu Zaid Khan PhD Student
Mab Habeeb PhD Student
Haya Al Siyabi PhD Student
Manal Alharbi PhD Student


For more information on the services provided within the facility and examples of our team’s work, please contact: