Open approach to animal research earns accolade

The University’s work on communicating how animals are used in research has won a national award: December 2019

Understanding Animal Research award presentation
L-R: Hazel Lambert, Public Engagement with Research Manager; Professor Elizabeth Patton, Personal Chair of Chemical Genetics; Ken Applebee, Kings College London

An event at the 2019 Edinburgh Science Festival – where people quizzed scientists about their practices – took the Public Engagement Activity prize at the Understanding Animal Research awards.

Understanding Animal Research is a not-for-profit organisation that explains why animals are used in medical and scientific research.  

Open approach

Judges praised the University’s open approach and the seniority and profile of the event’s panel. They also highlighted that there was no screening, nor prior knowledge, of the questions asked.

The joint initiative was a collaboration between the Edinburgh Science Festival, Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council and the University. It focussed on work to reduce, replace and refine the use of animals in research – principles known as the three Rs.

It involved a quiz, presentations and a question and answer session for the audience.

Best practice

The prize was presented at a ceremony in London on 5 December 2019.

The annual Understanding Animal Research awards mark excellence in open communication around animal research and highlight examples for others in the sector to follow.

It is really important that we are open about how, why and when animals are used in research to better understand human and animal health and disease. We invited people in the audience to ask anything at all about use of animals in research and had a constructive and respectful discussion. It is wonderful to see that recognised with this award.

Dr Lesley Penny
Edinburgh’s Director of Bioresearch and Veterinary Services

This was a special event because it helped me to understand the public's concerns about animals in research. It also provided an opportunity to explain why we use animals for our research and express how we care deeply about the welfare of our animals. Openness enables us to learn from each other for the best in science and animal welfare.

Professor Liz Patton
Personal Chair of Chemical Genetics, MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine

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UAR award photo collage