Shining a Light on Brain Cancer (glioblastoma)

Join us for this online event (Zoom) to find out about our research on brain cancer.

Brain tumour survival remains low, with limited treatment options available and little has changed in over a generation. With more than 11,000 new cases of brain tumours in the UK each year and 10-year survival rate of less than 15%, there is an urgent need to develop better treatments. Progress in brain cancer research has been hindered by huge gaps in our knowledge, especially in understanding the biology underpinning this disease.

Paving the way towards more effective treatments for brain tumours, scientists and clinicians in Edinburgh are making brain cancer research a top priority. The Cancer Research UK Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence, established in 2018, has helped to unite an incredible research community focused on bringing fresh ideas from the lab to the clinic.

Shining a Light on this vital area of research, patient representative Heather Duff is joined by her neurosurgeon Dr Paul Brennan, alongside members of the brain tumour research community in Edinburgh, to share their insights on tackling these diseases. Take part in a fascinating discussion to unpick the biggest challenges faced in this field and explore the latest developments from behind-the-scenes as we accelerate towards new therapies for brain cancer.


18:00-18.10: Introduction - Why are brain tumours so hard to treat? Dr Paul Brennan, Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at the CRUK Edinburgh Centre, IGC, University of Edinburgh & NHS Lothian. 

18:10-18:30: Personal perspective from patient representative, Heather Duff 

18:30-18:40: Drug Discovery Research update: Dr Cath Adam, Research Fellow, Prof Asier Unciti-Broceta’s research group, CRUK Edinburgh Centre, IGC 

18:40-18:50: The role of discovery research in expanding our understanding of cancer: Dr Adam Byron, CRUK Edinburgh Centre, IGC 

18:50-19:00: Improving brain cancer treatments and survival rates: Dr Michael Poon, CRUK Clinical PhD Fellow, Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence, CRUK Edinburgh Centre, IGC 

19:00-19:30: Q&A

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