Personal & career development

Support for personal and career development.

IGMM Director of Academic Development

As a member of staff or student within the Institute of Genetics and Cancer and the wider University, you'll enjoy an environment of continuous learning and development that will enable you to fulfil your academic, professional and personal goals.

We provide opportunities to all staff and students, whether working in academia, research or professional support services.


Staff training and mentoring is a key priority for the Institute.

In my previous capacity as Director of the MRC Human Genetics Unit and, more recently, the IGC, my most enjoyable moments have come from discussing science and career development with PIs, postdocs and PhD students. Now I have retired from these Directorship roles I can dedicate much more time to mentoring in my new role as IGC Director of Academic Development.

I am delighted to have meetings with any member of staff and can provide support through one to one discussions, mock interviews and feedback on written proposals. As a member of the College Athena SWAN  panel I am well aware of challenges that can impede career development and the support we provide to ensure equality and inclusivity.

Emiritus Professor Nick Hastie
Director of Academic Development, Institute of Genetics and Cancer at the University of Edinburgh

Further information:

Learning & development support for all staff

Support for teaching, learning and researcher development: Institute for Academic Development