Guidance on recruitment

Guidance on recruitment of MSc, PhD and visiting students.


Prospective MSc and PhD students

If a prospective student contacts a supervisor wishing to undertake an MSc or PhD position in their lab, supervisors should obtain an up-to-date copy of the student’s CV and at least 2 academic references, prior to arranging a formal interview with experienced members of staff from the list below:

List of agreed panel members for student interviews:

Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre

Kathryn Ball

Val Brunton

Susan Farrington

Noor Gammoh

Kevin Myant

Lesley Stark

Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine

Chris Boyd

Kathy Evans

Pippa Thomson

MRC Human Genetics Unit

Ian Adams

Javier Caceres

Nick Gilbert

Pleasantine Mill

Liz Patton


Supervisors should also confirm the source of funding and check that the student meets the University’s minimum English language requirements

Supervisors should also note that students should be paid the minimum UKRI stipend rate.

When supervisors are arranging interviews, candidates should be instructed to prepare a 10 minute (maximum) presentation based on their final year or Masters project (or equivalent). The student should also be asked to use no more than 5 Powerpoint slides for their presentation which they should bring on a USB, along with a hard copy should any technical problems arise.

Following interview, the supervisor should contact the Institute of Genetics and Cancer PG office to advise on the outcome of the interview (as agreed by the whole panel) and to get guidance on how to proceed.


Advertising a project on FindaPhD

Supervisors should forward the required information (on the document below) to if they wish to advertise a project on FindaPhD.

FindaPhD project info (12.5 KB / DOCX)


Prospective visiting students

Due to Brexit, all visiting students must now check whether a visa is required if they are studying/carrying out research for a short period of time.  Further information can be found here:

If the students intends to visit for longer period than 12 weeks, fees will be applicable.  The cost of visiting student fees for the current academic year can be accessed here: Postgraduate research fees | The University of Edinburgh

Lastly, if the student intends to visit for longer than 12 weeks, they will have to meet the University's English requirements.  Further information on English lanuage requirements can be found here:

When a supervisor is able to establish who will be covering tuition fees (if applicable) and confirm that the student meets visa, english language requirements, they should contact who will send the paperwork for completion.