
Eligibility criteria for potential supervisors.


Eligibility to Supervise PhD Students – what are we expecting?

To be eligible, you must have:

  • To be eligible, you must have:     * A higher degree, normally PhD or MD or significant equivalent experience (10 years research experience plus extensive publication list as evidence of leading and supervising research)     * A minimum of 5 years research experience (e.g. 3 year PhD + 2)     * A minimum of 2 publications to which you have made a significant contribution     * Evidence of previous research supervisory experience at Honours, BSc or MSc level     * Attended a local supervisors’ briefing session     * Be part of a supervisory team for an identified student/students

If you fulfil these criteria then you can apply to the College of MVM PG Board of Examiners to be approved as a supervisor. Further information and the Eligibility to Supervise form can be found on the Key Documents & Forms page of the College Postgraduate Wiki.

Guidelines on what constitutes an acceptable supervisory team:

  • For lab-based projects, one member must be lab-based
  • Normally at least one member must have a full UoE contract
  • For first supervisors, the length of contract must extend beyond the prescribed period of study
  • Normally the first supervisor must have already supervised (at another institute) or co-supervised at UoE, a PhD student through to completion of thesis
  • If the supervisor has not previously supervised (Chancellor’s Fellows only) there MUST be an experienced UoE co-supervisor
  • Gender balance should be considered
  • Pastoral provision should be considered – this is particularly important for overseas students who have not previously studied in the UK
  • Supervisors should not be in a relationship with each other

In addition, all appointments of students MUST be approved by the IGC PGSC. This means in practice that at least one member of the committee should have been involved in the interviewing process (two in the case of students with their own funding), and the details of the chosen candidate must be approved by the whole committee - further information on recruitment can be found on our guidance on recruitment link.