Student Pastoral Support Committees

The Pastoral Support Committee is there to support students outwith their thesis committee

Student Pastoral Support Committees

Information for Students

We are introducing student Pastoral Support Committees, for new students in the first instance. This is completely independent of your thesis committee and will comprise two ‘mentors’ who will be based in different research teams and Centres from you. The Pastoral Support Committee is there to ask for advice, help, anything that you feel is not best addressed to your supervisor or thesis committee. The committee can meet as often as you like but at least once per year. Minutes won’t be taken from the meetings but we will ask the committee to let us know when they have met.

Information for Mentors

Pastoral support committees will comprise of two ‘mentors’ drawn from  IGC staff. If you would like to volunteer please get in touch with Training will be provided for new mentors.

Pastoral Support Over-Sight Committee

This is a new initiative. To help learn lessons we have setup an Over-sight committee. This will examine how successful the project is and will report back to the CMVM Board of Examiners and the Doctoral College. If you have any queries or comments about the pastoral support committee project please contact the over-sight committee via The committee will meet every 6 months and minutes will be uploaded here.

 The membership of the oversight committee is:

Paddy Hadoke (Chair)
Pauline McDonald (minutes)
Representative from Student Wellbeing
Nick Gilbert
Susan Farrington
Ian Adams
Kathy Evans