General guidance for Institute of Genetics and Cancer students

Guidance on annual leave, extensions, expenses, sick leave etc.



All students should submit their thesis within the maximum period of study (normally 4 years). If a student needs time off during their PhD studies this should be dealt with as an interruption of studies wherever possible. Students can only have paid extensions of time in the lab after their stipend has run out if their supervisor has the funding for this, and with the approval of the Institute of Genetics and Cancer or HGU PG Director.

Annual leave for PhD students

Due to the nature of PhD study, with no fixed working hours or pattern and very different types of commitment, the University of Edinburgh does not stipulate a fixed period of annual leave allowance for postgraduate students.

The amount of leave taken at any one time, the period of the academic year when it is taken, and the stage of PhD study at which it is taken must be agreed with your supervisor and will take into consideration progress on the PhD and the student’s personal circumstances where relevant. 

The total amount of annual leave taken by any PhD student, regardless of funding source, would normally be expected to be no more than 8 weeks. There is no formal leave allowance, so holidays can’t be carried forward into successive years.

Students following the 4 year Graduate School program should arrange holidays in the first 6 month rotation period only in exceptional circumstances (apart from the Christmas break) and after consulting with Dr Ian Adams.

Sick Leave

You must contact your supervisor if you are unwell.

Computational biology/bioinformatics students

There is a firm expectation that students whose projects largely involve working at a computer will spend most if not all of the working day in the Institute. Short periods of time spent working at home must be negotiated with the supervisor team with ultimate approval being given by the Institute of Genetics and Cancer PGSC.

What to do if things go wrong

If you have a problem with your project and/or supervisor, you should first try to resolve it between yourselves – it is important to keep lines of communication open where possible and not let things degenerate. If there is still a problem, then please seek advice – you should feel free to speak to your second supervisor, your thesis committee Chair, the Directors of the Graduate School or the PG Convenor for your building.

Student Expenses


This form can be used for Student, Non-Staff and Interview Expense claims. Before completing this form, please refer to the conditions on page 3. For further advice on the conditions of claiming expenses, please contact

The Finance Department will review claims for compliance with these conditions. The responsibility of the claimant and the authoriser is to ensure that, to the best of their knowledge, the claim is compliant with the conditions listed.  Any unusual or significant items will be referred by Finance to Internal Audit for investigation. Claimant: Please complete sections 1 to 4 and return to sender with the appropriate expenditure receipts.

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